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Space Availability - Zief Law Library


In order to provide fair access to the law school community,  the following policies apply:

  • IMPORTANT: Before making a reservation, use the drop-down menu above to select either Groups Study Rooms or the Virtual Interview Spaces.
  • Only USF law students, law faculty, and law staff may reserve and use the law library's group study rooms and interview spaces. Other USF students, faculty, and staff must use Gleeson Library's group study rooms.
  • Reservations must be made online with a valid USF email.
  • Reservations for group student rooms are for groups only, not for individuals. A group is two or more people.
  • Reservations for the interview spaces are for individuals only, not for groups. 
  • Reservations can be made no more than one week in advance.
  • Reservations are limited to two hours within a calendar day (12am - 11:59pm).
  • If you do not arrive within 15 minutes of your reservation time, law library staff may allow others to use the room.
  • Please cancel your reservation if you no longer need it.
   Available    Your Booking    Unavailable/Padding